RGI by its pure name and nature uses state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation, much of which is commercially unavailable elsewhere. This combined with over 20 years of experience in all levels of soil and rock testing provides the basis of testing to produce the best possible parameters required for modern design.
Tests include:
•Unconsolidated Undrained triaxial test with base and mid-plane pore pressure measurement (UUP).
•Isotropically Consolidated Undrained/Drained triaxial test with base and mid-plane pore pressure measurement (CIUC, CIUE, CIDC, CIDE).
•Anisotropically Consolidated Undrained/Drained triaxial test with base and mid-plane pore pressure measurement (CAUC, CAUE, CADC, CADE).
Any of the above tests can be carried out with additional instrumentation as follows:
•Local Axial strain determination using state-of-the-art Hall effect transducers
•Local Radial Strain determination using stae-of-the-art Hall effect transducers
•Measument of Gmax using piezoceramic bimorphs (bender elements). The shear-wave velocities from these instruments can be coupled for measurement on the sample in the following orientations:
•Sv - axial shear-wave propagation
•Shv - horizontal shear-wave propagation (vertically polarising)
•Shh - horizontal shear-wave propagation (horizontally polarising)
All triaxial equipment at RGI is fully equipped with the above instrumentation in addition to the more 'routine' measuring systems required.
Even the basic instrumentation is of the best technology and resolution available for modern triaxial testing, and includes:
•Submersible load cells
•High resolution Linear Strain Transducers for external axial strain measurement
•Sample shearing in compression or extension (or by passive failure)
•Cyclic shearing
This is just a 'taste' of the more advanced triaxial capabilities which are above the norm expected from the use of triaxial testing equipment.
In addition, RGI is able to offer many forms of Index testing to compliment the above, so please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any testing requirements.